ALL Women CYBER Game Tournament
ALL Women CYBER Game Tournament
Teams should be composed of up to 8 women or non-binary professionals. All players will play! We recommend a minimum team size of 4 people.
Teams will sign up and pay as individual players and must specify the team name they’re joining. All teams must identify at least one captain who will be our primary contact for the team. Captains are responsible for ensuring team size doesn’t exceed 8 players.

The Game
The game will be played Sunday, March 30, 2025 from 8 AM - 5 PM (Eastern time zone) for all registered teams. This time includes 1 hour for set-up. Parts of the competition will be broadcast live and shoutcasted by Bailey Marshall and IPPSEC.
Attack/Defense is a standardized format of cyber competition involving real-time offense and defense:
- Teams receive identical custom services
- Secure your services while exploiting others'
- Maintain service uptime
- Balance between attack and defense strategies
Teams will be provided at least two open practice sessions.
Players will practice and compete with the following skills:
Source code security analysis
Secure coding practices
Network security monitoring
Incident response
Exploit development
Red teaming
Scripting and automation
Threat triage and prioritization


March 28-30, 2025
Weekend-Long Global Hack & Chat Event
Teams will register and pay by player. Player registration includes:
- Kick-off Session
- February 24 - Webinar session recording can be viewed below
- Two (2) Open Practice Sessions
- These extended sessions support global engagement in any time zone
- February 28 - March 2 (3:00pm -3:00pm Eastern Time)
- March 14 - March 16 (3:00p-3:00p Eastern Time)
- Formal Practice Scrimmage
- March 14th (3:00-11:00p Eastern Time)
- Takes place the first 8 hours of practice #2
- Registration to Wicked6 conference and games.
- Your tournament registration will register you for the conference automatically. You do not need to register for both.
- Team descriptions and player profiles on Wicked6 website
- Digital badge for participation (and separate badges for winners!)
Tournament Resources
Watch the 2025 Tournament Kick Off Recorded Webinar and learn:
+ Overview of Wicked6
+ Meet the ShoutCasters
+ See a Walkthru of Gl1tch Platform
+ Get a Quick Refresher on A&D
+ Hear Tips on A&D Strategy

Interested in volunteering this year?
We are actively seeking:
- Virtual watchdogs
- Discord community management
- Challenge developers