Thank you for joining us for
24 hours of Cyber Games!
Meet the 2023 Wicked6 Game Partners
Beginner to Intermediate
This Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag competition hosted by the U.S. Cyber Range of Virginia Tech will include questions in categories such as cryptography, networking, reconnaissance, reverse engineering, and web. Questions will range in difficulty from beginner to intermediate. If you haven't tried a CTF before, this is the one for you!
Individual & Team Game Play
Time: 24 Hours
Beginner to Advanced
ShadowBank by Security Innovation
Shadow Bank includes 48 challenges ranging in difficulty – great for novices and experts alike. It includes vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), password cracking, authorization bypass, business logic abuse, SQL Injection, and others.
Players are tasked with finding and exploiting these vulnerabilities within Shadow Bank’s functionality which includes:
Creating accounts, Transferring funds, Buying and selling stocks,Viewing past transactions, Requesting loans. Posting to a forum
Individual Game Play
Time: 24 Hours
Intermediate to Advanced
MailJay by Security Innovation
MailJay is an all-new cyber range that emulates a modern Marketing Automation Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) application – as well as its front-end and back-end services. Applications deployed in these complex hybrid cloud environments require infiltrating a wide variety of technologies. That’s why web applications, firewalls, enterprise networks, private employee portals and even desktop users are included as vulnerable targets in this range. It’s the player’s job to break through them all. The most challenging cyber range in the CMD+CTRL training arsenal, MailJay challenges experienced Penetration Testers, Application Security Testers, and Security Champions to test their mettle against their peers. This Cyber Range includes 46 security challenges which cover 13 MiTRE ATT&CK tactics and asks players to break through various access controls at least 16(!) times.
Individual Game Play
Time: 24 Hours